Uh, it's a lot better when you leave political opinions out of the commentary. You're going to piss off 50% of your audience either way, and they are reading this just to get news on Elon. Otherwise, you'll probably lose them.

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It's not political to call out ignorance or fascists. It's humane.

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Who is the fascist? I say it's Fauci and the CDC pushing Big Pharma mandates!

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"Big Pharma" makes it true money when you are infected, to make that clear.

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Ever hear of HIPPA ? THOUGHT not. Each person has a RIGHT to accept or REFUSE any medical treatment. NO government has the right to force anyone to put drugs especially experimental vaccines in to your body. Right or wrong it's the individuals choice. NOT YOURS a heath fascist supporter.

As for big Pharma you needn't lecture me as I worked my who life in medicine. Nationalise Health care and take capitalist profits out of human health.

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Mandates do not save that many lives and are not really necessary. This is not the Black Plague and vaccines are best targeted to older and “comorbiditied” people.

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In my state, California, there are 10 required vaccinesfor admission to public schools. Oh, there are mandates against drunk driving, red light running, incest, murder and more. You have learned from con men who prey on your ignorance. Unvaccinated? Stay out of hospitals when you can't breath. Ask Fox News for a lifeline.

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Look at the worldwide numbers:

- many vaccinations = fewer deaths

- less vaccination = a lot of deaths

And to my mind, we have a social consensus that we do not distinguish between "valued" and "unvalued" life.

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To understand the truth about covid and all vaccines read Robert F. Kennedy's new book: The Real Anthony Facui" It could be that what we hear on the media is controlled. that too is discussed in detail in the book above.

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In my state, California, there are 10 required vaccinesfor admission to public schools. Oh, there are mandates against drunk driving, red light running, incest, murder and more. You have learned from con men who prey on your ignorance. Unvaccinated? Stay out of hospitals when you can't breath. Ask Fox News for a lifeline.

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This vaccination discussion is completely unobjective and anti-scientific. I'm curious to know when Elon will start relying on voodoo instead of math for his rockets. These are exactly the same discussions we had 100 years ago (you can already read about it in Goethe). I mistakenly thought that our education was more advanced.

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Guess again..no references...no evidence..just platitudes and no quote from Goethe...you are proof the education system in California has FAILED. Pathetic

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why do you say the mandates save lives? (The hyperlink you included on that comment didn't lead to a source talking about it, as far as I could find.)

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I'm a retired medical doctor. You should check out sites like Trial Site News or Medcram.com or news letters from Dr. Peter McCullogh, etc.before you display your IGNORANCE about coronavirus. Such elitest B'S from millennial clowns like you who know NOTHING about science. MUSK IS RIGHT! Herd immunity is 3 x stronger for antibodies than vaccines and vaccines efficacy is 3-6 months . Herd immunity is years. So go back to school you arrogant twit! Musk is right !!!!!

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Good luck with a couple of uncontrolled infections compared to a few - incredible well monitored - vaccinations to train the immune system. Science and the experience of millions of vaccinations speak a clear language, whether this fits into one's own world view or not.

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You don't know basic science do You? These are EUV experimental. Not tried and true FDA approved MMR vaccines we got as kids.

My world view is REAL science . I'm a retired M.D.. I've had the J & J because I'm over 65 but shoveling this vac to healthy young people and children is criminal ! Check the world wide clinical trials that contradict the ever changing lies from Fauci and his terrorized CDC. Several countries are using Ivermectin as just one example where Fraudci lied. Over 60 clinical trials support its use.

The CDC has taken big Pharma orders....again. check Trail Site News , Medcram.com, Steve Kischner News letter, Dr Peter McCullogh and The Great Barrington Declaration. Then learn someting about SCIENCE instead of your blue pill world view!

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I wanted to hear about Elon and his opinions. Not yours, but thanks anyways 🙄

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screw the fake covid virus, vaccine crap, Elon needs to move past it !

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